jueves, 19 de abril de 2018

Where is progress taking us?

I will believe having a good life is owning a car and having the opportunity to eat a huge 2-inch Porter Steak. But is this taking us to a better world, a better future?

Driving cars is no good, but meat production is unexpectedly worse for the environment. Sport cars looks awesome parked outside that new fancy bar and driving them at 200 km/h at the 5 highways through San Diego, is even better. Having a mid-rare steak is a delight. But it seems these two pleasures are destroying our beautiful planet. 

Livestock emissions make up anywhere between 14.5 and 18 percent of total global greenhouse gas emissions. Comparably, the transportation sector is responsible for around 14 percent of emissions. By those numbers alone, our current system of meat production is extremely damaging. Perhaps more looming, however, is that while transportation creates CO2, livestock farming is hugely responsible for producing methane. As you may know, methane is 23 times more potent when it comes to warming the planet.

But these two industries make a lot money. Enough to transform cities in a few years into concrete giants, and rural farms into cow line production factories. I will rather prefer living the city where everything is green, but are we minded enough to say no to a new car as a transport solution and stop eating meat (at least less meat)!  

Hermosillo, Sonora, a few years back. 

Hermosillo, Sonora, now a days. 

My first answer is FUCK NO. Even though I owned a car, for the past year I have move around walking and on my bike. I am always late, in a hurry, I have been hit by cars like 3 times, they stolen my bike, and parts of another one. But I am still hold on to the idea, I can make a change. And meat, not been able to stop eating, but reduce it from 5 times to 3 or 2 times a week. Nothing has happened, I am still fat, happy, but fat. 

So, my conclusion is, doesn´t really matter at all. We are probably doomed to destroy our planet, no matter that Leonardo Di Caprio continues to make documentaries.

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